KCDI Jamaica elected to the Board of the Caribbean Policy Development Centre

KCDI Jamaica has been elected to the Board of the Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC). Since its establishment in 1991, the CPDC has been a voice for the NGO community and their beneficiaries on key socio-economic and other development issues. Through the engagement of regional and national policymakers, the CPDC has brought the plight of […]
Bureau of Standards Jamaica National Mirror Committee ISO 323 is chair by KCDI Jamaica

KCDI Jamaica’s Executive Chairman Mr Donovan A. McLaren is Jamaica’s NGO Expert on the International ISO/TC 323 Circular Economy committee via the Bureau of Standard Jamaica . The scope speaks to Standardization in the field of Circular Economy to develop frameworks, guidance, supporting tools and requirements for the implementation of activities of all involved organizations, […]
KCDI Jamaica’s Basic School Opening Project

KCDI Jamaica with the support of the Council for Voluntary Social Services (CVSS) and and the Jarrett Foundation will be providing over 1000 Face Masks to two basic schools in the community of Frazer’s Content Spanish Town St. Catherine Jamaica under its Basic School Opening project. KCDI Jamaica’s Corporate Relations Director Captain Herman Green JP […]
Caribbean Development Bank Accountability Mechanisms Workshop

KCDI Jamaica has been invited by the Caribbean Development Bank to participate in their Independent Accountability Workshop on November 15-16, 2021. The Caribbean Policy Development Centre and CDB are having a virtual Joint Regional Outreach event (in the form of two morning workshops) on the 15th and 16th November to spread awareness within civil society organizations/groups, […]
Director Dr. Margaret Chin received Mico University Collage Award

The Mico University College launched its 185-year anniversary celebrations along with its Mico Week activities under the theme Nation Building, Leadership, Innovation. Mico University College, founded in 1836, is the oldest teacher-training institution in the Western Hemisphere rivalling the famed Battersea College in England. At the time of it founding it was among the four […]
KCDI Jamaica Directors participate in IMF/Worldbank meetings

KCDI Jamaica’s Directors Dr. Margaret Chin and Executive Director Donovan McLaren will participate in the IMF/Worldbank Spring Meetings. Dr. Chin will be posing questions to the IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva on October 8 and 21,2021
HEART Trust & KCDI Jamaica developing Grave Digger’s training program

KCDI Jamaica lead agency with other stakeholders work with HEART NSTA Trust to develop the new Grave Digger’s level 2. that will see Jamaican and Caribbean workers in this industry obtaining a professional certification and access to CARICOM CSME certificate.
United Nations 15 session on Trade and Development

The fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development – UNCTAD 15 – KCDI Jamaica will participate in UNCTAD15 which presents an opportunity for the development community to align the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development with the global “new normal” created by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a major United Nations conference of the […]
Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2021

KCDI Jamaica will participate in Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2021 The CWA is the premier event on the Agriculture calendar in the Caribbean Region. It is convened under the aegis of the Alliance for Sustainable Development of Agriculture and the Rural Milieu (‘The Alliance’). From the inaugural meeting in 1998, the two main collaborating agencies […]
KCDI Jamaica awarded Fhi360 St. Catherine Collaborative Grant

Local Partner Development (LPD)seeks to increase the number of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) engaged in secondary and tertiary youth crime and violence prevention; by sharing best practices in youth crime and violence programming, providing capacity building support and training to smaller CSOs already involved in primary prevention but who have an interest in working with […]